Cucumis - 무료 온라인 번역 서비스
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모든 번역물

요청된 번역물 - Mickaël50

원문 언어
번역될 언어

약 2개 결과들 중 1 - 2
원문 언어
영어 Can't afford no shoes
Heh-heh-heh . . .
Have you heard the news?
(News? What news?)
Can't afford no shoes
(Ow! Get a deal on tape)
Have you heard the news?
(News? Can't afford a paper)
Can't afford no shoes

Went to buy some cheap detergent
Some emergent nation got my load
Got my load
Got my toad
That I stowed
Part from " Can't afford no shoes" a track from Franck Zappa in the album "One size fits all"

Français de France

완성된 번역물
프랑스어 des pompes, j'peux pas payer